Affiliations: Università di Napoli, DETEC, Piazzale Tecchio,
80-80125 Napoli, Italy
Abstract: The 8th International Symposium on Flow Visualization (8ISFV) was
held in Sorrento, Italy, from the 1st to the 4th of September 1998. The
Symposium has attracted, by far, the largest number of participants in the
history of the meeting. The 313 presented papers were distributed in 65
Technical Sessions which covered a very broad range of topics. At the beginning
of each working day, four invited speakers, selected among renewed specialists,
addressed Keynotes Lectures in plenary sessions. Prof. Ronald J. Adrian related
on the Decomposition of turbulent fields and visualization of vortices and
turbulent momentum transport, Prof. G. E. A. Meier described New optical tools
for fluid mechanics, Prof. Hiroharu Kato treated a Research on cavitation
mechanism by high-speed video and holographic observations and Prof. Antonio
Cenedese reported on the Eulerian and Lagrangian velocity measurements by means
of image analysis. During the Symposium three Awards were delivered to
outstanding scientists in the field of Flow Visualization, namely: the Ernst
Mach Award to Prof. Yoshimichi Tanida, the Leonardo da Vinci Award to prof.
Wolfgang Merzkirch and the Asanuma Award to Prof. Wen-Jei Yang.