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Summary of FLUCOME '97 Hayama


This article is a summary of the fifth Triennial International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization, FLUCOME '97 Hayama, which was held from September 1 to September 4 in 1997 at Hayama, Japan. The FLUCOME symposium was held at first in Tokyo in 1985, the 2nd in 1988 in Sheffield, UK, the 3rd in 1991 in San Fransisco, USA, the 4th in 1994 in Toulouse, France, and came back again to Japan in 1997. FLUCOME ' 97 Hayama was sponsored by the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan and Japan Science Foundation, and co-sponsored by the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Japan Hydraulics and Pneumatics Society and the Visualization Society of Japan. The participants exchanged new information and deepened their friendship among them. A lot of new ideas and important research results were reported and the new directions in fluid control, measurement and visualization were discussed freely. The sixth symposium chaired by Prof. A. Laneville will be held in Sherbrooke (Québec) Canada in 2000, and the seventh will be held in Italy in 2003.