Guest Editorial
Editor’s Note – At the 1990 Midwinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, the Award of Merit of the Association was presented to Dr. Robert S. Kimura in recognition of his contributions to the field. During the introduction to his more formal comments, Dr. Kimura stressed the importance of team research, particularly the collaboration of clinicians and basic scientists. Dr. Kimura’s association with Dr. Schuknecht over the past two decades at Harvard Medical School serves as an exemplary model for such collaboration.
Dr. Kimura’s comments come out of a mind which developed the best animal model in existence for endolymphatic hydrops (in guinea pigs). Thus, one must carefully consider his words. Young investigators would do well to read carefully everything Dr. Kimura has written, and to spend as much time as possible with him.
Dr. Kimura’s address to the Association follows.