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Award Announcements

Jacob A. Neufeld, M.D. M.P.H., has been selected posthumously to receive the Gabriella Molnar Pediatric PM&R Lifetime Achievement Award. This award is considered one of the highest honors in the field of Pediatric Rehabilitation. Furthermore, the founding of the award was the combined effort of the late Dr. Neufeld and the late Dr. Linda Michaud. Dr. Neufeld was an accomplished educator and researcher best known as the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Pediatric RehabilitationMedicine (now in its tenth year). He also established the “Strike Out Hunger” event with the Philadelphia Phillies, an annual fundraiser that supports local food banks and the Rotary Club’s polio eradication program. He is profoundly missed in our field of Pediatric Rehabilitation.

Amy Houtrow, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Pediatrics at University of Pittsburgh, was recently elected to the National Academy of Medicine. Dr. Houtrow is the only pediatric rehabilitation medicine physician and one of only a dozen PM&R physicians elected to the Academy. Dr. Houtrow was elected for her research in childhood disability, family interactions, social factors, and the health system. Her research has uncovered disparities with enormous policy implications for the pediatric population. Election to the Academy is considered one of the highest honors in the fields of health and medicine. The Academy recognizes individuals who have demonstrated outstanding professional achievement and commitment to service.

Deborah Gaebler-Spira, M.D., Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Pediatrics at Northwestern Memorial Feinberg School of Medicine recently received the 2018 American Academy of Developmental Medicine Lifetime Achievement Award. The award specifies that: “the recipient of this award has, during their lifetime, made creative contributions of outstanding significance to the field of medicine and for the benefit of patients with cerebral palsy and other childhood-onset disabilities.” Congratulations to Dr. Gaebler-Spira for all her contributions to the field as a past president of the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine; a researcher focusing on spasticity, botulinum toxins, dance and motor learning in cerebral palsy, use of the Lokomat, and advanced robotics; and her work with the Shirley Ryan Ability Lab Bioengineers and National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research.

David Pruitt, M.D., Associate Professor, Clinical Pediatrics and Clinical PM&R Medical Director, Inpatient Pediatric Rehabilitation Unit Program Director and Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine Fellowship, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center won the 2018 Corbett Ryan Pathways Pioneer Award. Dr. Pruitt was selected based on his motivation and achievement in accomplishing personal and/or professional goals, creative approach to education, and a positive approach to life. Dr. Pruitt is a role model, demonstrating respect and sensitivity to others.

Roslyn N. Boyd, Ph.D., PT, Professor of Medicine at University of Queensland and Scientific Director of the Queensland Cerebral Palsy and Rehabilitation Research Centre was awarded the 2018 American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine Mentorship Award. Dr. Boyd’s research centers on the early natural history of motor and brain development for preschool-age children with CP, the efficacy of novel rehabilitation for children with Hemiplegia, and very early detection and early intervention for infants at high risk of CP. Dr. Boyd has published more than 170 peer-reviewed scientific papers.

Our congratulations to Amy Houtrow, Deborah Gaebler-Spira, David Pruitt, Roslyn N. Boyd, and the family of Jacob Neufeld!

Elaine L Pico, MD, FAAP, FAAPM & R
