Affiliations: Department of Biochemistry, Cankiri Karatekin
University, School of Health, Cankiri, Turkey \vspace{-5mm}
Note: [] Correspondence: Dr. Emrah Caylak, PhD., Department of
Biochemistry, Cankiri Karatekin University, School of Health, 18200 Cankiri,
Turkey. Tel.: +90 544 613 49 99; Fax: +90 376 212 00 75; E-mail:
Abstract: Developmental dyslexia (DD) or reading disability is characterized
by unexpected problems in reading acquisition, despite average intelligence. It
is considered the most common neurodevelopmental disorder, and many researchers
aimed to identify the cognitive, neurobiological and genetic etiology of DD. At
the cognitive level, the hypothesis of auditory temporal processing deficit has
been widely investigated. The aim of this review is to present some of the most
exciting researches on DD in the domains of this theory that will help future
studies to follow.
Keywords: Dyslexia, deficit, theory, auditory temporal processing, temporal order