Affiliations: Department of Neurosurgery, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate
Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India
Note: [] Correspondence: Dr. Raj Kumar, Department of Neurosurgery,
Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow – 226014,
U.P. India. Tel.: +91 522 2668700, 2668800 Ext. 2157 (C), 2158 (R), 2107 (OT),
2741 (O); Fax: +91 522 2668129 & 2668017; E-mail:
Abstract: Craniovertebral junction is a complex transition zone between
cranium and rostral spinal column. Many conditions affect and destabilize this
junction with congenital atlantoaxial dislocation being the commonest. The
unique anatomy of craniovertebral junction poses specific management
difficulties especially in children. It requires a comprehensive understanding
of the biomechanics and nuances of this complex entity to manage it
efficiently. The problems in management are encountered at all stages starting
from history, clinical examination, diagnosis to surgery. An individualistic
approach to each case is suggested for proper management.