In-beam superfluid-helium ultracold neutron source for the ESS
This paper discusses design principles and possible performances of an “in-beam” ultracold neutron (UCN) source for the European Spallation Source (ESS). The key components of the proposed neutron delivery system are nested-mirror optics (NMO), which image the bright neutron emission surface of the large liquid-deuterium moderator, studied within the HighNESS project, onto a remotely located superfluid-helium converter. Bandpass supermirrors, with optional polarization capability, enable the selective transport of those neutrons that are most effective for UCN production, exploiting the single-phonon conversion process that is possible for neutrons having wavelengths within a narrow range centered on
Intense sources of ultracold neutrons (UCN) are a prerequisite to a variety of projects at the high-precision frontier of low-energy particle physics. Among these experimental efforts are searches for a non-vanishing permanent neutron electric dipole moment (EDM), accurate measurements of the neutron beta-decay lifetime and asymmetries, and searches for dark matter and dark energy using gravitational spectroscopy methods [6].
Most modern UCN sources are of the “superthermal” type, first proposed in 1975 by Golub and Pendlebury [11]. There, in contrast to UCN production by neutron moderation, cold neutrons are “converted” to UCN by imparting nearly their entire kinetic energy to elementary excitations – most commonly phonons – of the source medium in single scattering events. When the medium is kept at low temperature, up-scattering of UCN back to higher energies is suppressed, enabling UCN densities larger than those possible by neutron thermalization in the medium. Shortly after the 1975 proposal, superfluid 4He (He-II) and solid deuterium (SD2) were identified as particularly suitable source media for neutron conversion [9,12], and have since been applied in various existing UCN sources.
More recently, solid α-oxygen [14,23] and solid α-15N [33] have been investigated as possible UCN production media. Like in He-II and SD2, neutron conversion in these media relies on coherent excitations, magnons and phonons in the former, and only phonons in the latter case. An alternative method of UCN production would employ a gradual slowdown of neutrons via multiple incoherent inelastic scattering events that excite local low-energy modes. One such recently-considered moderation scheme proposes to employ the zero-field splitting of the magnetic triplet state of molecular oxygen to cool neutrons in a multi-step cascade of constant energy decrements [51]. Realization of this scheme might place the paramagnetic molecular oxygen as a guest within the interstices of a host solid, such as fully deuterated clathrate hydrate, a weakly-neutron-absorbing heavy-water network. Assessment of the capabilities of such materials for the production of UCN and very cold neutrons (VCN) is a topic of current research within the HighNESS project [34], and is complementary to work on He-II based UCN sources.
While the exploration of new media for UCN production, described in the previous paragraph, is still at an early stage of development, the concept of an “in-beam” UCN source based on He-II as a well-established conversion medium is rather mature nowadays. It is the purpose of the present paper to point out possibilities for a competitive in-beam UCN source at the European Spallation Source (ESS), adapted to take advantage of a high-intensity liquid-deuterium (LD2) moderator accessible under large solid angle through a wide opening in the shielding monolith, aptly-named the Large Beam Port (LBP). Details of the relevant ESS infrastructure may be found in Ref. [50].
2.Superfluid-helium converters: “in-pile” or “in-beam”?
Unique among all possible UCN production materials, 4He is the only stable nuclide with vanishing neutron absorption cross section. Consequently, isotopically pure He-II-based converters enable UCN storage lifetimes τ several orders of magnitude larger than are possible in all other media. This makes it possible to gradually build up a high density of UCN in the converter, which may then be used to great advantage in a variety of experimental situations.
The upper limit to τ is set by the beta decay mean free neutron lifetime
Broadly speaking, there are two possible implementations of He-II-based neutron converters. The first places the He-II “in-pile” in the intense field of neutrons pre-moderated by a cold source located near a primary neutron source, such as the core of a nuclear reactor or a spallation target [20,26,40]. This is the standard location for neutron cooling devices, in which the large cold-neutron flux leads to a high UCN production rate. Unfortunately, the large heat load on the converter from neutrons and gamma radiation makes it unrealistic to maintain temperatures below
In fact, such an accumulation concept, first pointed out in Ref. [12], is the basis for the second possible implementation of a He-II-based UCN source, in which the converter is irradiated “in-beam” by a beam of cold neutrons while situated far away from the hot zone of the primary source. In this configuration, the significantly lower heat load on the converter makes temperatures below
As will be discussed in greater detail in the next section, this competitiveness requires the suppression of neutron absorption and UCN losses due to wall collisions to the same degree as up-scattering. However, the complexity of this task is substantially reduced for a converter placed far from the primary neutron source, where its accessibility enables not only adaptation of the neutron transport system and UCN source to match the specific needs of an experiment, but makes it possible to supply UCN thereto with a relatively short guide.
In fact, a UCN guide can even be rendered unnecessary in the extreme variant of an in-beam source in which the experiment is immersed in the superfluid-helium of the converter itself. This strategy avoids UCN transport losses and, in some cases, offers additional advantages, using the helium either as a neutron detection medium, a means to increase resistivity and prevent electrical breakdown in neutron EDM searches, or a combination of the two [1,17,46]. The application of these concepts to multiple UCN storage chambers is also discussed in Ref. [5].
3.Basic principles of an in-beam UCN source
There are three main components to an in-beam UCN source: a cold neutron moderator, a neutron optical delivery system (NODS), and a converter vessel, filled in this case with He-II. The problem of optimizing the UCN production according to a particular set of desired characteristics requires a careful consideration of not only the many parameters describing these three components, but also the interplay between them. The present section is intended to serve as a point of entry into this problem, and will focus on a simplified picture of the in-beam source in order to discuss the concepts that are key to UCN production. Here, we will mainly consider the case in which one desires a high density of UCN in the source. The discussion is ordered proceeding in the upstream direction, that is, starting from the converter surface upon which cold neutrons are incident and working back toward the moderator.
Let us first consider the cold neutron beam incident on the converter. The parameters thereof relevant to UCN production are the converter surface area
Let us consider the differential surface element
Although not true in general, for the special case that
Before continuing along the main line of our discussion, we would like to address one point that may have occurred to the reader. In general, those portions of the flux spectrum at the physical emission surface of the moderator that are not transported to
Having thus outlined the cold neutron beam transportation, let us now consider UCN production in the converter vessel, and briefly describe the typical fashion in which it is used. As was previously mentioned, the basis for the implementation of the in-beam source is the accumulation of UCN therein under irradiation by the cold neutron beam. In typical configurations, the accumulated ensemble of UCN is used by releasing it as needed to an experiment through a UCN valve, enabling cyclical operation of the source. This mode is particularly suitable for UCN storage experiments, which often detect in some way those neutrons that remain after storage. Thereafter, a new ensemble of accumulated UCN is released from the replenished source, and the cycle is repeated until the desired sensitivity to the effect being investigated is reached.
The time evolution of the build-up of UCN density in the source under irradiation by cold neutrons follows from the rate equation including both the UCN production and loss, and is
Let us first consider maximization of τ. Its inverse, the “rate constant” for UCN loss, is given by
While maximization of τ concerns primarily the converter vessel itself, maximization of p also entails a consideration of the moderator and NODS. There are two mechanisms that contribute to the production rate, i.e.,
When an experiment installed at the UCN source is filled, as described above, by releasing the UCN accumulated in the converter, the UCN therein are subsequently diluted over the combined volume of the source, guides, and experiment. A larger source volume is therefore often desirable. However, increasing the source volume, in which UCN production takes place, typically reduces the mean UCN production rate density. Nevertheless, the resulting larger total UCN production rate may still increase the total number of UCN that finally arrive in the experiment. In such a situation, the high transparency of He-II for cold neutrons is very helpful, as it enables an increase of the total UCN production rate simply by elongating the converter vessel along the beam direction. Depending on the incident solid angle
Limiting the incident flux spectrum to the previously discussed narrow range of wavelengths centered on
In this expression, we have replaced
Finally, let us examine the conceptually simplest NODS, analyzed in Ref. [31], in which the converter is directly connected to the moderator by a neutron guide of constant cross section
4.Advanced neutron delivery systems for in-beam UCN sources
While transportation of the solid angle
Fig. 1.
The basic idea of an elliptic NMO, shown in Fig. 1, is to image neutrons by a single reflection from the moderator surface (M) to a target region (M’), i.e., the converter. The device consists of an assembly of mirrors of lengths l, whose surfaces are short sections of a set of ellipses, that are located in a plane between the common focal points M and M’, separated by twice the focal length,
Figure 2 shows examples of two basic implementations of NMO, having either planar (Figs 2a and 2b) or toroidal (Fig. 2c) symmetry. In the latter case, the device is rotationally symmetric about the optical axis, with each mirror surface being a section of an ellipsoid of revolution. In this implementation, a neutron at M is transported to M’ by a single reflection. For NMO with planar symmetry, each mirror surface is a section of an ellipse having local translational symmetry transverse to both the optical axis and the mirror surface normal. In such a construction, two planar NMO with a relative orientation of
One major advantage of NMO over neutron guides is their ability to efficiently transport neutrons with larger angles to the beam axis, which, recalling that
Fig. 2.
Another advantage of NMO over neutron guides is the ability of the former to tailor the beam spectrum to the desired application (see Ref. [52] for several illustrations). This is possible because reflections at a given surface occur only within a narrow band of angles for which they are kinematically possible, allowing each mirror to be optimized to reflect those neutrons by which it is illuminated. This opens up new possibilities for producing a short-wavelength cutoff to the transported beam spectrum. Setting this cutoff to a value slightly below
Going a step further, one could even prepare monochromatic beams. Concerning UCN production, NMO equipped with bandpass supermirrors [7,25,38] that have high reflectivity for only a narrow range of neutron wavelengths centered on
The advantages of NMO do not end there however. Using NMO with polarizing broadband supermirrors, which would not introduce additional efficiency losses as might a dedicated polarization device, would enable polarization of the cold neutron beam incident on the converter. As has been experimentally demonstrated [46], due to the absence of nuclear spin or atomic magnetic fields in 4He, He-II-based UCN production proceeds without “spin-flipping”, allowing cold neutrons to maintain their polarization as they are converted to UCN. Thus, a beam of polarized cold neutrons produces an ensemble of polarized UCN, necessary for experiments like the multi-cell approach to the neutron EDM search described in Ref. [5]. Additionally, for those experiments that permit it, wall losses may be significantly reduced by surrounding the storage container with a multipole magnet [55].
Assuming no drastic decrease in the mean flux spectrum at the converter results from increasing the area of the beam
Fig. 3.
The size of the beam extracted from the emission surface of the moderator, which is at most as large as the physical area of the moderator surface, influences the transport efficiency of an NMO and determines its optimal dimensions. To illustrate this, we show in Fig. 3 the results of Monte-Carlo simulations performed for a single-planar elliptic NMO with its mirrors oriented to reflect neutrons in the vertical plane. There, the “partially integrated brilliance transfer” B (see Ref. [16] for a precise definition) is plotted on the vertical axis as a function of focal length. B gives a quantitative measure of the device’s ability to image neutrons from a horizontal slit of height h centered on the focal line M (not a focal point as in the 2-D picture of Fig. 1) onto a slit of the same height h at the focal line M’, and separated from M by twice the focal length,
The solid curves in Fig. 3 all follow the same general trend: for a given slit height h, the efficiency B monotonically increases with increasing f up to a maximum, whereafter it monotonically decreases. This maximum occurs at increasing f for increasing h. Much of this behavior can be explained by several considerations. First, for purely geometrical reasons, some neutrons starting with an offset from the focal line either pass the NMO unreflected or undergo two reflections, and hence do not arrive within the target slit. The proportion of such neutrons scales roughly with
From these simulations, based on NMO using
5.In-beam UCN source implementation at the ESS
Having discussed in the previous two sections many of the concepts that are key to optimizing in-beam UCN production, we shall now apply them in order to estimate the UCN densities that may be possible at the ESS using NMO to transport cold neutrons to a He-II converter vessel. As discussed previously, the ideal location for such a UCN source would make use of the LBP, through which moderators in the vicinity of the spallation target wheel can be viewed with large solid angle (see “option 5” in Ref. [50]). During initial operation of the ESS spallation source, only the compact “bi-spectral” moderator system above the target wheel will be implemented [49]. This system includes the flat para-hydrogen moderator, which has an emission surface area and an expected surface averaged brilliance at
Figure 4 shows a simulated intensity map of neutrons with wavelengths near
Fig. 4.
Extraction of the divergent beam at
In the vertical direction, access is limited from the bottom by a
Fig. 5.
Although such a situation does not correspond to a true optimization of the complete NODS, let us consider the case in which
For this geometry, a double-planar elliptic NMO would be best adapted to image the beam, whose horizontal and vertical extents are defined at the moderator surface and guide end, respectively, onto the He-II converter. As shown in Fig. 5, two separate NMO with different focal lengths
Fig. 6.
The implementation of a vertical guide close to the ESS spallation target is complicated by the high flux of fast neutrons there. Even for supermirrors on metallic substrates, developed for in-pile guide sections, sufficient radiation hardness still needs to be experimentally demonstrated. If such a guide is not feasible, beam extraction would have to be accomplished solely by NMO, in which case, the aforementioned geometrical restrictions and partial obstruction of the moderator view would reduce the possible UCN yield.
Using the neutron transport efficiency of the NODS shown in Fig. 5, estimated from the simulations shown in Fig. 6 to be
Maximal UCN production in the converter would be obtained by matching its entrance shape to that of the rectangular beam provided by the NODS, which is shown in Fig. 6 with a circular converter entrance. Placing an
6.Conclusions and outlook
The parameters of the UCN in-beam type source described in this paper, quoted in Eqs (18)–(20), make it a very attractive option for the community of UCN users. As the only current in-beam type, general-purpose UCN source project beyond ILL’s SuperSUN [3], it offers a saturated UCN density at the top of the range of other current projects, which all rely on UCN production in the vicinity of a strong primary cold neutron source. The high density is the result of UCN accumulation in He-II kept at a temperature so low as to render neutron up-scattering negligible, which is possible at a position far away from the primary neutron source, where only less than
Not to be underestimated in any source comparison are also the practical advantages of the converter being placed far away from strong radiation fields of the primary source. There, the required cooling power is much reduced, the UCN source is accessible to trouble-shooting, UCN need to be transported only over short distances, and, finally yet importantly, nuclear licensing procedures will not directly hamper the project. As a very valuable property for experimenters, in-beam sources based on NMO have great flexibility to adapt the implementation of the optics and the He-II converter to the physics project, including the in-situ strategies presented in Ref. [5].
Particularly appealing in this respect is the possibility to trade maximal total UCN production against highest possible UCN density. A class of experiments that could take advantage of this possibility is the search for dark matter and dark energy via investigation of the gravitational quantum states of the neutron above a horizontal mirror. Current experiments by the qBounce collaboration [18] are performed using a beam of UCN and have already led to constraints on new physics [4,19]. A route towards further increase of sensitivity in such investigations consists in UCN trapping to prolong the time of controlled exposure of the quantum states to the field [30]. To this end, a high-density source from which one would extract only UCN in the desired quantum state [37] would be of great interest.
Focusing of the cold neutron beam incident on the He-II converter would enable a large gain in flux density and hence UCN production rate density, for which the NMO based magnifying-optics concepts presented in Ref. [16] should be further investigated. As the focused beam illuminates the converter under a solid angle
This work was supported by the HighNESS project funded by the European Framework for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020, under grant agreement 951782.
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