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Erratum to: A new approach for data augmentation in a deep neural network to implement a monitoring system for detecting prostate cancer in MRI images

Pirzad Mashak, N., Akbarizadeh, G., & Farshidi, E. (2022). A new approach for data augmentation in a deep neural network to implement a monitoring system for detecting prostate cancer in MRI images. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 43(3), 2283–2298.

When this article was originally published the author Gholamreza Akbarizadeh incorrectly and by mistake stated his affiliation as also belonging to affiliation (a); Islamic Azad University. However the author is only affiliated to affiliation (b); Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. The author apologises for the oversight. The online article has been corrected to reflect this change.