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Analysis of Participant Withdrawal in Huntington Disease Clinical Trials

[Journal of Huntingtons Disease 6(2), 2017, 149-156, DOI 10.3233/JHD-170246]

On page 156, the Acknowledgment section is incomplete. The correct Acknowledgment text is:

The authors thank the CARE-HD, DOMINO, and 2CARE trial participants, their family/caregivers, investigators and coordinators. This work was funded by the Huntington Study Group, the Uehara Memorial Foundation, the Toyoaki Foundation, and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (R01 NS052592 – Coenzyme Q10 in Huntington’s Disease and U01 NS052592 – Coenzyme Q10 in Huntingtons Disease; Coenzyme Q10 in Huntington’s Disease).