Affiliations: Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources
Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China | Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing
100081, China
Abstract: In Wuhan urban agglomeration (WUA), the population growth and
concentration, the industrial development and urban sprawl have been affecting
the environment fundamentally. Comparing with Yangtze delta metropolitan
region, the level of urbanization and industrialization of WUA has lagged
behind for about 10 years; but the problems in environmental protection and
rehabilitation are commonly serious. In the future, WUA should avoid
unnecessary mistakes and seek a win-win strategy for economy and environment in
its large-scale development stage. Based on the analysis of the changing of
main environmental pollutants and the coupled curves in past decades, the paper
discussed the important links among the urban environmental pollutions,
industry growth and urban sprawl in WUA. It is concluded that the integration
of economic and environmental policies in urban development is more required
and significant at the large urban agglomeration region. Four proactive and
long-term strategies need to be adopted to provide prior guidance and better
protection for the development of WUA.