Affiliations: Department of Agronomy, Nanjing Agricultural
University, Nanjing 210095, China | Department of Plant Pathology, North Carolina State
University, Raleigh, NC 27605, USA | Department of Biological Sciences, State University of
New York-Binghamton, Binghamton, NY 13902, USA
Abstract: Impacts of newly added organic carbon (C) and inorganic nitrogen (N)
on the microbial utilization of soil organic matter are important in
determining the future C balance of terrestrial ecosystems. We examined
microbial responses to cellulose and ammonium nitrate additions in three soils
with very different C and N availability. These soils included an organic soil
(14.2% total organic C, with extremely high extractable N and low labile C), a
forest soi1 (4.7% total organic C, with high labile C and extremely low
extractable N), and a grassland soil (1.6% total organic C, with low extractable
N and labile C). While cellulose addition alone significantly enhanced
microbial respiration and biomass C and N in the organic and grassland soils,
it accelerated only the microbial respiration in the highly-N limited forest
soil. These results indicated that when N was not limited, C addition enhanced
soil respiration by stimulating both microbial growth and their metabolic
activity. New C inputs lead to elevated C release in all three soils, and the
magnitude of the enhancement was higher in the organic and grassland soils than
the forest soil. The addition of cellulose plus N to the forest and grassland
soils initially increased the microbial biomass and respiration rates, but
decreased the rates as time progressed. Compared to cellulose addition
alone, cellulose plus N additions increased the total C-released in the
grassland soil, but not in the forest soil. The enhancement of total Creleased
induced by C and N addition was less than 50% of the added-C in the forest soil
after 96 d of incubation, in contrast to 87.5% and 89.0% in the organic and
grassland soils. These results indicate that indigenous soil C and N
availability substantially impacts the allocation of organic C for microbial
biomass growth and/or respiration, potentially regulating the turnover rates of
the new organic C inputs.