Affiliations: Institute of Oceanography(INOS), University College
Science and Technology Malaysia(KUSTEM), 21030 Mengabnag Telipot, Kuala
Terengganu, Malaysia
Abstract: RADARSAT data have a potential role for coastal
pollution monitoring. This study presents a new approach to detect and forecast
oil slick trajectory movements. The oil slick trajectory movements is based on
the tidal current effects and Fay's algorithm for oil slick spreading
mechanisms. The oil spill trajectory model contains the integration between
Doppler frequency shift model and Lagrangian model. Doppler frequency shift
model implemented to simulate tidal current pattern from RADARSAT data while
the Lagrangian model used to predict oil spill spreading pattern. The classical
Fay's algorithm was implemented with the two models to simulate the oil spill
trajectory movements. The study shows that the slick lengths are effected by
tidal current V component with maximum velocity of 1.4 m/s. This indicates
thatoil slick trajectory path is moved towards the north direction. The oil
slick parcels are accumulated along the coastline after 48 h. Theanalysis
indicated that tidal current V components were the dominant forcing for oil
slick spreading.