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Experimental confirmation of Santilli's IsoRedShifts and IsoBlueShifts1


While stressing the need for additional independent verifications, in this paper we provide: 1) Confirmatory measurements of Santilli's 1991 hypothesis of the anomalous IsoRedShift (IRS) for the propagation of a blue laser light in a 60 ft ≈ 18 m long steel pipe containing air at a maximum of 70°F ≈ 21°C and at 2,000 psi ≈ 137 bars without any relative motion between the source, the medium and the analyzer; 2) Confirmatory measurements of Santilli's 1991 hypothesis of the anomalous IsoBlueShift (IBS) for a blue laser light in the same conditions as above except for air being at a minimum of 130°F ≈ 54°C; 3) Experimental evidence on the transition from IRS to IBS with the increase of the temperature, thus confirming Santilli's NoIsoShift (NIS); 4) Measurements showing no frequency shift for a blue laser light reflected on a polished metal mirror at temperatures ranging from 70°F ≈ 21°C to 280°F ≈ 137°C, with consequential apparent absence of frequency shift for the scattering of light in a gas, since the Boltzman distribution apparently implies no frequency shift for light scattering in a gas due to relative motions averaged down to zero; and 5) Consequential confirmation of Santilli's 1991 hypothesis that the large difference in cosmological redshift between certain quasars and associated galaxies when physically connected via clear gamma spectroscopic evidence, originates from largely different IRS in the dramatically different quasars chromospheres and innergalactic media. Cosmological and other implications of Santilli IRS, IBS and NIS are discussed by other contributions in these proceedings.