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Erratum to: Evaluation of trunk muscle activities in response to three breastfeeding positions utilised by women

Chidiebele Petronilla Ojukwu, Antoninus Obinna Ezeukwu, Chinagozim Faith Anih, Adaora Justina Okemuo, Uchechukwu Anthonia Ezugwu, Chioma Nneka Ikele, Chukwuma Paulinus Igweagu and Lazarus Eneje Ezugwu

[Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 34(6) (2021),1015–1021, 10.3233/BMR-200018]

When this article was first published the second author’s name was inadvertently misspelled as “Obinna Antoninius Ezeukwu”. This has been corrected to “Antoninus Obinna Ezeukwu” in the revised online version of the article (DOI: 10.3233/BMR-200018).

Therefore, the correct updated list of authors and their affiliation is:

Chidiebele Petronilla Ojukwua, Antoninus Obinna Ezeukwua, Chinagozim Faith Aniha, Adaora Justina Okemuoa, Uchechukwu Anthonia Ezugwua, Chioma Nneka Ikelea, Chukwuma Paulinus Igweagub and Lazarus Eneje Ezugwuc

a Department of Medical Rehabilitation, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Enugu State, Nigeria

b Department of Community Medicine, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu State, Nigeria

c School of Health Technology, Oji-River, Enugu State, Nigeria