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Erratum to: Self-Reported Late-Life Hypertension Is Associated with a Healthy Cognitive Status and Reduced Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology Burden

Andrew C. Robinson, Tawfique Bin Rizwan, Yvonne S. Davidson, James Minshull, Phillip Tinkler, Antony Payton, David M.A. Mann and Federico Roncaroli

[Journal of Alzheimers Disease, 98(4) (2024) 1457-1466, DOI 10.3233/JAD-231429]

On page 1457, the title ‘Self-reported late-life hypertension is associated with a healthy cognitive status and reduced Alzheimer’s disease pathology burden’ contradicts the statement in the abstract that no associations were found between self-reported hypertension and cognitive impairment at death.

Whilst the authors are confident that the results and discussion reflect the true findings of the work, it is felt that the title may generate confusion if left as it is. Therefore, we would like to remove ‘a healthy cognitive status’ and amend the title to: ‘Self-reported late-life hypertension is associated with reduced Alzheimer’s disease pathology burden at death’.