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Increased Risk of Dementia in Subjective Cognitive Decline if CT Brain Changes are Present

Simona Sacuiu, Marie Eckerström, Lena Johansson, Silke Kern, Robert Sigström, Xinxin Guo, Svante Ostling, Ingmar Skoog

[Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 66(2) 2018, 483-495, DOI 10.3233/JAD-180073]

On page 487, the following note for Figure 1 is given:

Fig. 1. SCD flow chart using the total sample followed during 2000–2012. Three participants at follow-up had no self-reported cognitive data at the examination 2005 (of these, one individual was diagnosed with dementia in 2006 and another in 2009). Dementia diagnosis in those lost to follow-up (n = 35 deceased and refusals) was based on the Swedish Hospital Discharge Register if not otherwise specified; all other dementias were diagnosed at the examinations 2005 and 2009 (n = 111) except for *five dementias in participants 2005–2009 retrieved from the Register during the follow-up 2010–2012 (n = 2 among SCD2005 & SCD2009 = 0 and n = 3 among SCD2005 = 0 of which only 1 developed SCD2009 = 1).

However, the correct note is as follows:

Figure 1 SCD flow chart using the total sample followed during 2000–2012. Three participants at follow-up had no self-reported cognitive data: n = 2 at the examination 2005 (of these one individuals was diagnosed with dementia 2006) and n = 1 at the examination 2009. Dementia diagnosis in those lost to follow-up (n = 35 deceased and refusals) was based on the Swedish Hospital Discharge Register if not otherwise specified; all other dementias were diagnosed at the examinations 2005 and 2009 (n = 111) except for *five dementias in participants 2005–2009 retrieved from the Register during the follow-up 2010–2012 (n = 2 among SCD2005 & SCD2009 = 0 and n = 3 among SCD2005 = 0 of which only 1 developed SCD2009 = 1).