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Erratum to: Upregulation of IL-1 Receptor Antagonist by Aspirin in Glial Cells via Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-Alpha

Sudipta Chakrabarti, Tim Prorok, Avik Roy, Dhruv Patel, Sridevi Dasarathi and Kalipada Pahan

[JAD Reports, 5(1) (2021) 647–661, DOI 10.3233/ADR-210026]

On page 658, in Figure 8A, a wrong image was used in the last panel (Merge) of the first row (Non-Tg), that did not represent the first three panels of the same row. This is here corrected. Please see the correct Figure 8 below.

Fig. 8

Aspirin upregulates IL-1Ra in vivo in cortical microglia of 5XFAD mice via PPARα. Six-month old 5xFAD and 5xFAD/PPARα–/–mice (n = 5 or 6 per group) were treated with aspirin (2 mg/kg bodyweight/d) orally via gavage for 30 d followed by double-labeling of cortical sections for IL-1Ra and Iba1 (A). GFAP positive cells (B) and Iba1 positive cells (C) were counted in one section (two images per section) of each of five or six mice per group and results were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. ***p≤0.001.

Aspirin upregulates IL-1Ra in vivo in cortical microglia of 5XFAD mice via PPARα. Six-month old 5xFAD and 5xFAD/PPARα–/–mice (n = 5 or 6 per group) were treated with aspirin (2 mg/kg bodyweight/d) orally via gavage for 30 d followed by double-labeling of cortical sections for IL-1Ra and Iba1 (A). GFAP positive cells (B) and Iba1 positive cells (C) were counted in one section (two images per section) of each of five or six mice per group and results were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. ***p≤0.001.