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Dear readers of International Shipbuilding Progress,

This issue of our journal is special. It has not happened before that all articles in an issue are open access. We believe in open access publishing because it allows a larger group of people to benefit from the advancements in the field. Especially International Shipbuilding Progress, that focuses on the maritime industry, was already read by scientists and engineers alike. But without barriers the information will flow faster to our mutual benefit.

Issue 69(1) contains the following articles.

The first article, titled A technique for efficient computation of steady yaw manoeuvres using CFD by Oud and Toxopeus, demonstrates an ingenious method to make simulations with ship manoeuvres faster and more accurate. The method can be readily implemented in any CFD solver and may benefit a large group of engineers and scientists that perform simulations like these.

The next article is titled A modularly tailored commuter ferry platform and written by Cheemakurthy and Garme. The authors propose a modular transport platform to make waterborne transport a more attractive solution for extending the existing land-based network. Different route types are evaluated with both monohulls and catamarans in different speed ranges.

The third and final article in this issue is about experiments for added resistance of ships in waves. The title is An experimental study on added resistance focused on the effects of bow wave breaking and relative wave measurements and it is written by Hengelmolen and Wellens. A ship at different forward velocities is investigated in different wave conditions. A novel measurement technique is introduced to directly capture the wetted surface of the ship. The wetted surface is analyzed to find the largest relative wave height along the hull. It is found that when the relative wave height along the hull is used to scale added resistance instead of the undisturbed incoming wave height, the newly defined added resistance coefficient has values close to 1 within a range that is much smaller than for the previous coefficient.

The editorial board and I wish that you will enjoy the open character of this issue.

All the best,

Peter Wellens Editor-in-chief