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Risk and benefit issues are problems we all face

This edition of the International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine (JRSM) features a selection of papers from an international group whose concern is about all the issues in which science is funded. This should be a major consideration for us all involved in research. We do not believe that the subject has enough visibility worldwide and yet it is crucial to the direction of science and its development.

The articles in this special section are a small taste of their work. We hope it will be enough for readers to consider the topic more deeply and to contact the authors to find out more about what their visions and goals include, and to be actively involved.

This issue also contains regular articles, which illustrate the importance of this journal in dealing with a variety of issues including complications of COVID-19 (2 articles), issues relating to pregnancy (2 articles), issues relating to medication errors, problems in orthopedics, risks to staff and a further 2 articles on matters relating to teenagers.

Another particular strength of JRSM is that we publish articles from a worldwide audience, including many from developing countries. We are proud that our readership is so diverse, which allows us to be of value to all those that wish to improve medical care wherever they are.

I. Ralph Edwards and Marie Lindquist
