Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, USA
Address for correspondence HeeSoon Lee, PhD, MSW, Associate Professor, Social Work Program, Department of Human
Services, College of Health and Human Services, Bowling Green State University, USA. E-mail:
Abstract: This study examined age, gender, and ethnic differences in sexual communication satisfaction and relationship satisfaction among participants. Participants included 164 Caucasian Americans, 76 African Americans, and 112 Korean Americans residing in Northwest Ohio in the United States with 206 females (58.5%) and 146 males (41.5%) at the age range 40–84 years (mean = 55, SD = 10.45). Results identified significant differences in sexual communication satisfaction and relationship satisfaction based on age, gender, and ethnicity. Caucasian Americans and African Americans had significantly higher scores than Korean Americans in sexual communication satisfaction and/or relationship satisfaction. Age, gender, and ethnic specific programs to help older adults improve their quality of life through sexual communication are suggested.
Keywords: Sexual communication, relationship satisfaction, ethnicity, gender, age