List of Reviewers
The IJDS Board of Editors wish to acknowledge, with gratitude, the following scholars who served as reviewers for manuscripts submitted to the International Journal of Developmental Science.
The Board of Editors
Johnie Allen
El Asam
Helen Baykara-Krumme
Nils Böckler
Kurt Braddock
Angela Curcio
Jerome Drevon
Kristin Göbel
Petra Gradinger
Gunter Groen
Andrew Hales
Ghayda Hassan
Adam Helles
Markus Hess
Vincenz Leuschner
Miriam Linver
Arnold Lohaus
Logan Macnair
Angela Mazzone
Loo Neo
Stephanie Pieschl
Simona Popa
Sonja Quante
Brigitte Rollett
Peter Scales
Anja Schultze-Krumbholz
Peter Smith
Dagmar Strohmeier
Muhammed Tayyib
Jennifer Urban
Lauren Usher
Laura Vandenbosch
Joris Van Ouytsel
Sebastian Wachs
David Webber
Eric Wesselmann
Steven Windisch