Affiliations: Department of Information Systems and Technologies,
FON - School of Business Administration University of Belgrade, POB 52, Jove
Ilica 154, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro,, | Institut für Informatik und Interaktive Systeme,
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Lotharstr. 63, 47057 Duisburg, Germany,,
Abstract: The paper discusses ITS architectures in terms of patterns that
exist within them. The concept of patterns has received surprisingly little
attention so far from researchers in the field of ITS. A recent analysis of a
number of existing ITS architectures has revealed that many ITS designers and
developers use their own solutions when faced with design problems that are
common to different systems, models, and paradigms. However, a closer look into
such solutions and their comparison often shows that different solutions and
the contexts in which they apply also have much in common, just like the
corresponding problems do. In all such cases we can talk of the existence of
patterns. A pattern is a generalized solution of a typical problem within a
typical context. Discovering such patterns can help clarify general guiding
principles of ITS-architectural design in a more systematic way.