Affiliations: Deparment of Computer Science, ITESM-CEM, Apdo. Postal
50, Módulo de Servicio Postal, Atizapán, Edo. Mex., Mexico
52926.; | School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences, University
of Sussex, Falmer BRIGHTON BN1 9QH, UK.
Abstract: This paper describes work carried out to explore the role of a
learning companion as a teachable student of the human student. A LCS for
Binary Boolean Algebra has been developed to explore the hypothesis that a
learning companion with less expertise than the human student would be
beneficial if the student taught it. The system implemented two companions with
different expertise and two types of motivational conditions. An empirical
evaluation was conducted. Although significant differential learning gains
between the experimental conditions were not observed, differences in learner
behaviour between these conditions were. In particular students in the
motivated condition with a weak companion taught it many more times than in the
other experimental conditions and in general worked harder. Finally, the
experiment also suggested that learning companions might be confusing for
students if they try to resemble human behaviour, i.e. if they do not perform
exactly as they are told.