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Issue title: Proceedings of the tenth International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics ISEM-Tokyo
Article type: Research Article
Authors: Caltun, Ovidiu Florina; * | Spinu, Leonardb | Stancu, Alexandrua | Sava, Ancaa
Affiliations: [a] "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Faculty of Physics, Bd. Copou, 11, Iasi, 6600, Romania | [b] University of New Orleans, AMRI, New Orleans, LA 70148 USA
Correspondence: [*] Correspondence address: Dr. Ovidiu Florin Caltun, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Faculty of Physics, 11 Blvd. Copou, 6600 Iasi, Romania. Tel.: + 032 201176; Fax: + 032 201205; E-mail:
Abstract: Ferrites properties depend very strongly on the chemical composition and on the microstructure. The complex permeability spectra of Cu substituted Ni-Zn ferrites produced by conventional ceramic process for high frequency were studied. The experimental and theoretical curves of real and complex permeability were compared. Is discussed the contribution of the domain wall and of the spin rotational motion on the complex permeability in the MHz region. A small amount of Cu ions can provide high performances to the Ni-Zn ferrite.
DOI: 10.3233/JAE-2002-328
Journal: International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol. 13, no. 1-4, pp. 241-244, 2002
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