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Professor Junzo Watada resigning as an Editor-in-Chief of the Intelligent Decision Technologies Journal due to retirement

Professor Junzo Watada, Graduate School of Information, Production & Systems, Waseda University, Japan has announced that he is stepping down as an Editor-in-Chief of the Intelligent Decision Technologies Journal due to retirement. Professor Watada (PhD, MSci, BSci) is an IEEE Life Senior Member, a Life Fellow of the Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics, Japan, and a Life Fellow of the Bio-Medical Fuzzy System Association, Japan. He has been involved in KES, and especially IDT, for about 30 years. He is a gold member of KES and has received several awards by KES in the past. He also received the Henri Coanda Medal Award from Inventico, Romania, in 2002, and the GH Asachi Medal from the Universitatea Tehnica GH Asachi, IASI, Romania, in 2006. His research interests include big data analytics, soft computing, image processing systems to track human behavior and understand pictures and videos, knowledge engineering, management engineering, and finance engineering.

Dear Junzo,

We are sad to learn that you are resigning as Editor-in-Chief of Intelligent Decision Technologies, but we understand your decision and want to send along our deepest thanks for your contributions over the years. Since we initiated IDT 17 years ago, we have seen the journal grow in stature and impact on the research community. Your efforts to encourage outstanding researchers have been a key component of the success of the journal in disseminating new ideas and novel innovations.

As we remember back to the early days of working to gather enough papers for an issue, we are delighted to see that IDT is on track to see well over 700 submissions this year. We now have a cite score and an impact factor. The challenge today is how to handle that many submissions and provide guidance to authors. Indeed, we have come a long way together!

Please know that we wish you the best retirement and many joys in your life. We hope that you will stay in touch with us. We know that you will continue to make a difference in other people’s lives and encourage them toward excellence.

With deep affection,

Lakhmi, Gloria and George