Affiliations: Genomatix Software GmbH, Karlstraße 55, D-80333
München, Germany;, | GSF-National Research Center for Environment and
Health, Institute of Mammalian Genetics, Ingolstädter Landstraße 1,
D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany;
Abstract: Transcriptional regulation depends on the binding of transcription
factors to their corresponding binding sites. The response to
cellular signals is often mediated by the cooperative binding of transcription
factors to well defined regulatory modules consisting of at least two
transcription factor binding sites. Such regulatory modules can be
responsible for the common regulation of genes within a gene class or confer a
common function to promoters belonging to different gene classes. We
developed in silico models representing a common framework of potential
regulatory sites specific for one promoter class (actins). We also
generated models for two different functional promoter modules both of which
confer responsiveness to tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interferon (IFN) to a
variety of promoters. All models exhibited high selectivity, e.g.
the mammalian muscle actin promoter model produced no false negatives in a
database search.