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Editorial: Looking back, looking forward

This double issue consists out of two parts. The first part is a special section, fully devoted to correspondence chess and computer chess. Jaap van den Herik has acted as the guest editor here. Besides his own contribution, there are three other articles by Richard Pijl, Dap Hartmann, and Jon Edwards. In the editorial of the special issue, a proper introduction of all the contributions is given.

The second part of this issue discusses the 26th Computer Olympiad, which was held online during August and September 2023. First, Hiroyuki Iida, Jonathan Schaeffer, and I-Chen Wu report om the results of the 32 events. It is followed by a report of Quentin Cohen-Solal and Tristan Cazenave describing their engine Athénan, which entered 21 events and earned 21 medals, including 16 times gold! This issue ends with two detailed reports on the EinStein Würfelt Nicht! and Mahjong tournaments.

Next, there have been some changes in the editorial board of the ICGA Journal. We welcome a new generation of computer games researchers. Chu-Hsuan Hsueh, Michael Hartisch, Éric Piette, and Matthew Stephenson will strengthen the editorial board the upcoming years. And we say goodbye to Gerald Tesauro, Jiao Wang, and Xinhe Xu, for which we want to express our sincere gratitude for the valuable contributions they have made during their term on the ICGA editorial board.

Mark Winands