Affiliations: Edinger Institut für Neurologie, Klinikum der
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, D-60528 Frankfurt/Main | Institut für Biometrie, Medizinische Hochschule,
D-30625 Hannover
Note: [] Address for correspondence: Dr. R.Nafe Edinger Institut für
Neurologie Klinikum der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität
Deutschordenstraße 46 D-60528 Frankfurt / Main, Germany
Note: []
Abstract: The aim of comparative morphometric procedures in histopathology is
to test, whether different groups of patients or different groups of specimen
observed can be distinguished or classified based on quantitative morphology.
The two predominant developments in quantitative morphology during the last
decade include growing spectrum of histometrical methods for the determination
of special morphological aspects, as well as a growing spectrum of analytical
methods. An overview concerning important methods for data analysis in
histometry regarding these developments is thus necessary and will be given in
this article. Classification procedures are of primary importance for the
analysis of morphometric databases. Different methods, including neuronal
networks and knowledge-based systems, will be discussed. According to our
analysis especially newer versions of knowledge-based systems provide important
possibilities for data analysis and are useful additions to the performance of
statistical classification procedures. Implementations and advantages of
additional methods for data analysis such as factor analysis for data reduction
will be discussed.