News, reflections and documents on teaching and research in LIS
The coronavirus pandemic has brought sweeping changes to higher education and the information professions. In light of these effects, our journal has invited news and reflections from our community. What changes are unfolding for teaching and research in library and information studies (LIS)? What is it like to be an LIS academic or a student in a worldwide lockdown? How are our institutions responding? What have we learned, or can we learn, about the nature of information in a crisis situation? What is worth documenting today that our descendants will be grateful to have in a century or two, or longer?
We have called for:
• Contributions from students, researchers, teachers, administrators, alumni, professors emeriti and others in the broad field of LIS
• Personal accounts of teaching and conducting research during lockdown
• Scholarly examinations of information flow, connection and communication during crisis, including emergent phenomena such as Zoomxhaustion
The first of these items is published in this issue, and we expect more to appear in the coming issues. Warm wishes and solidarity to all in this time of disruption.
– Tim Gorichanaz, News Editor, Education for Information