Note: [] Edinburgh Law School, <>, <>. This article builds on a paper given at the conference “Trade and Sustainable Development” held at Sungkyunkwan University on 9 October 2010. I am particularly grateful to the conference organiser and excellent discussant (respectively Professors Jae Ho Sung and Dae-Won Kim) and those colleagues and graduate students that contributed to the discussion on the day including Professors Zhang Guihong, Seung Wha Chang, Jee Hyung Lee, and Deok-Young Park. Thanks are also due to the anonymous referees for their improving remarks and my colleague Dr James Harrison for his comments on a late draft. Errors and omissions are the authors' alone.
Note: [] Edinburgh Law School, <>, <>. Thanks to Professor Alan Boyle for his acute insights on the political issues pertinent to this article.
DOI: 10.3233/CL-2011-026
Journal: Climate Law, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 63-84, 2011