Note: [] Athena Ballesteros (, Smita Nakhooda (, Jacob Werksman (, and Kaija Hurlburt are at the World Resources Institute. This article was developed from a WRI Working Paper of the same title published in December 2009, and has been updated to reflect more recent developments and additional peer review. The authors would like to thank the following colleagues and external reviewers who provided valuable comments and criticisms on various drafts of this paper: Manish Bapna, Rob Bradley, Renato Redentor Constantino, Charles Di Leva, Sam Johnston, Hilary MacMahon, Duncan Marsh, Charles McNeill, Heather McGray, Alan Miller, Remi Moncel, Jennifer Morgan, Janet Ranganathan, Jagjeet Sareen, Dennis Tirpak, and Simon Zadek. The views expressed are the authors’, and external reviewers bear no responsibility for the article’s content. Polly Ghazi provided extensive editorial support. Seema Kumar, David Wei, Lauren Goers, Heather McGray, and Brian Lipinski also made written contributions to the text. Our analysis of the Global Environment Facility draws heavily on joint work by Jacob Werksman and Claude Martin. Alisa Zomer, Hyacinth Billings, Emily Chessin, and Jennie Hommel were key to the editorial and production process. WRI greatly appreciates the financial support provided by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
DOI: 10.3233/CL-2010-013
Journal: Climate Law, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 261-312, 2010