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Differentially expressed microRNA in prognosis of gastric cancer with Lauren classification



Gastric cancer (GC) is one of the most common tumors. There were several classifications of GC recently. The value of Lauren classification in evaluating the prognosis after radical gastrectomy was still unclear and the prognosis of gastric cancer remained relatively poor in the absence of prognostic biomarkers. This study aimed to explore microRNA (miRNA) in the prognosis of GC with different Lauren classification.


A retrospective study of 1144 patients was performed in this study. Quantificational reverse transcription-PCR (qRT-PCR) was used to examine the expression of miRNAs. Univariate and multivariate analysis were performed to evaluate prognosis value of Lauren classification.


Total 1144 GC patients were recruited in this cohort, including 302 diffuse type (26.4%), 436 intestinal type (38.1%) and 406 mixed type (35.5%) GC. Multivariate analysis showed that Lauren classification, patients’ age, tumor size, tumor infiltrating depth, vascular nerve infiltrating and metastatic lymph nodes ration were significantly correlated with GC patients’ OS and DFS. The miR-141-3p, miR-200b-3p and miR-133a-5p were significantly down-regulated in diffuse type compared to intestinal type GC tissues, the miR-105-5p had significant lower expression in diffuse type compared with intestinal type and mixed type GC tissues. As a consequence of univariate analysis, low miR-141-3p in diffuse type GC showed significant worse OS and DFS than high miR-141-3p.


Lauren classification was an independent prognostic factor in GC. MiR-141-3p was an independent prognostic factor and a promising prognostic biomarker in Lauren classification GC.


Gastric cancer (GC) is the third leading contributor of cancer mortality worldwide [1]. To date, the anatomical American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) and Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) tumor-node-metastasis (TNM) staging system is the most widely used for describing GC states [2]. However, GC is a multifactorial and multistage disease [3]. It is hard to have better understanding on prognostic value just using TNM classification without reference to its pathology [4]. Since 1965, the Lauren classification has been proposed and become one of effective methods based on the histological structure of GC cells. GC is divided into diffuse type, intestinal type and mixed type according to the Lauren classification [5]. The histopathology of intestinal type is gland like structures and is considered to be associated with chronic inflammation induced by Helicobacter Pylori infection, smoking, obesity and other dietary factors [6, 7], diffuse type is isolated-cell carcinoma and induced by active inflammation which leads to poor prognosis [8]. Thus, the prognostic relevance of GC using Lauren classification still remains unilluminated.

Primary studies reported that different moleculars played important roles in GC prognosis prediction, such as KRAS, APC, TP53 and so on [9, 10]. MicroRNAs (MiRNAs), endogenous non-coding RNAs with 20–22 nucleotides in size, are known as oncogenes or tumor suppressors in various human cancers through regulating target mRNAs [11, 12]. MiR-205/miR-338-3p regulated BCL-2 expression to suppress prostate cancer cells apoptosis [13]. Besides, miRNAs become popular biomarkers for cancer diagnosis and prognosis [14]. MiR-16 was confirmed the diagnosis value in common cancer like lung cancer, gastric cancer and endometrioid endometrial cancer [15]. MiR-487a worked as prognostic biomarker in hepatocelluar carcinoma [16]. MiR-194 was verified as favourable prognosis biomarker in GC [17]. It was reported that the down-modulation of miR-375 is specifically linked to Lauren’s classification [18]. There is also research that suggests miR-18a-5p plays diagnostic and therapeutic potencies in mixed-type gastric cancer [19]. However, the application of miRNA on predicting prognosis in Lauren classification GC is still underway and needs further investigation.

To the point of controversy, we performed a retrospective study of 1144 patients who received radical gastrectomy and analyzed the clinical characteristics and significance in Lauren classification. In addition, we examined the expression levels and evaluated the prognostic value of related miRNAs from different Lauren classification GC tissues. This study provided the theoretical basis for the potential use of miRNAs in diagnosis and prognosis of gastric cancer with different Lauren classification.

2.Materials and methods

2.1Study cohort

We collected data on 1144 patients who received radical gastrectomy at First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University from January, 2005 to December, 2011. After surgery, GC patients were followed up every 3 months at first 2 years then every 6 months within 5 years, annually after 5 years, the last follow-up was in June, 2017. All patients from the cohort underwent radical gastrectomy and histologically confirmed. Clinical stage and histological classifications of GC were used the WHO classification criteria and the eighth edition of the AJCC TNM classification for GC.

2.2Sample collection

We collected 145 GC tissues from the study cohort. Inclusion criteria include (1) complete clinical data, (2) Standard D2 lymph node dissection, (3) TNM stage I, to III, (4) no preoperative radiotherapy or chemotherapy, (5) postoperative chemotherapy regimen based on 5-FU and completed at least 4 cycles.

2.3RNA extraction

Sections (8 μm slices) were prepared from paraffin-embedded specimen. Paraffin was removed by dewaxing reagent to obtain GC tissues after centrifugation. Total RNA was extracted from samples using Trizol (Invitrogen, America) method [20]. The concentration and quality of total RNA were evaluated by the ultraviolet spectrophotometer.

2.4Quantitative RT-PCR

Table 1

The correlation analysis between Lauren classification and clinicopathological characteristics

VariablesLauren classificationχ2P value
Diffuse typeIntestinal typeMixed type
Gender24.48< 0.001
 Male191 (22.6%)352 (41.6%)303 (35.8%)
 Female111 (37.2%)84 (28.2%)103 (34.6%)
Age71.982< 0.001
< 45 years55 (59.1%)9 (9.7%)29 (31.2%)
 45–60 years169 (26.8%)248 (39.3%)214 (33.9%)
60 years78 (18.6%)179 (42.6%)163 (38.8%)
Tumor site85.254< 0.001
 Proximal63 (13.5%)236 (50.6%)167 (35.8%)
 Middle122 (32.4%)116 (30.9%)138 (36.7%)
 Distal117 (38.7%)84 (27.8%)101 (33.4%)
Tumor subtype58.011< 0.001
 Non-infiltrating type50 (25.5%)101 (51.5%)45 (23.0%)
 Borrmann type207 (24.0%)323 (37.4%)333 (38.6%)
 Infiltrating type45 (52.9%)12 (14.1%)28 (32.9%)
Pathological classifications149.681< 0.001
 Adenocarcinoma217 (22.1%)413 (42.0%)354 (36.0%)
 Mucinous carcinoma35 (32.7%)23 (21.5%)49 (45.8%)
 Signet ring carcinoma50 (94.3%)0 (0%)3 (5.7%)
Tumor size28.884< 0.001
3 cm120 (25.5%)209 (44.4%)142 (30.1%)
 3–6 cm120 (23.8%)187 (37.1%)197 (39.1%)
> 6 cm62 (36.7%)40 (23.7%)67 (39.6%)
Histopathology classification487.347< 0.001
 Well differentiated1 (3.7%)25 (92.6%)1 (3.7%)
 Moderately differentiated4 (1.5%)247 (91.5%)19 (7.0%)
 Poor differentiated297 (35.1%)164 (19.4%)386 (45.6%)
Tumor infiltrating depth51.995< 0.001
 T159 (29.5%)95 (47.5%)46 (23.0%)
 T225 (14.7%)84 (55.1%)46 (30.1%)
 T314 (19.4%)35 (47.8%)23 (32.8%)
 T4204 (28.5%)222 (31.0%)291 (40.6%)
Vascular nerve infiltrating82.582< 0.001
 Negative154 (24.5%)310 (49.4%)164 (26.1%)
 Positive148 (28.7%)126 (24.4%)242 (46.9%)
Number of metastatic lymph nodes110.381< 0.001
 N092 (21.9%)222 (52.7%)107 (25.4%)
 N137 (18.0%)90 (43.7%)79 (38.3%)
 N263 (27.4%)79 (34.3%)88 (38.3%)
 N3110 (38.3%)45 (15.7%)132 (46.0%)
Metastatic lymph nodes ration108.674< 0.001
 092 (21.9%)222 (52.7%)107 (25.4%)
0.2547 (19.5%)112 (46.5%)82 (34.0%)
0.566 (32.8%)50 (24.9%)85 (42.3%)
> 0.597 (34.5%)52 (18.5%)132 (47.0%)
AJCC 8th TNM stage71.894< 0.001
 I64 (23.9%)144 (53.7%)60 (22.4%)
 II54 (20.7%)124 (47.5%)83 (31.8%)
 III184 (29.9%)168 (27.3%)263 (42.8%)

P< 0.05, statistical significance.

The cDNA was conducted using the specific primers of reverse transcription (RT) (Exiqon, Denmark). The amplification of miRNA was used Bulge-Loop miRNA qRT-PCR Primer Set (RiboBio, China) and evaluated the product fluorescence by SYBR Green (TaKaRa, China). RT reaction was carried out at 42C for 60 min followed by 70C for 10 min. The quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) was carried on LightCycler® 480 Real-Time PCR System (Roche Diagnostics, Germany) in 384-well plates at 95C for 20 s, followed by 40 cycles of 95C for 10 s, 60C for 20 s and then 70C for 10 s, the melting curve program was run immediately. All reactions were performed in triplicate. The RNU6B (U6) was used as the standard for miRNA expression normalization [21]. The miRNA relative expression levels were calculated by the 2 - ΔΔCt method, ΔCt = Ct (miRNA) – Ct (U6).

Figure 1.

Overall survival (OS) and disease free survival (DFS) curves plotted by the Kaplan-Meier method for (A) 1144 GC patients (B) GC patients with Lauren classification, diffuse type, intestinal type, mixed type.

Overall survival (OS) and disease free survival (DFS) curves plotted by the Kaplan-Meier method for (A) 1144 GC patients (B) GC patients with Lauren classification, diffuse type, intestinal type, mixed type.

2.5Statistical analysis

The differential miRNAs expression levels between GC tissues and control tissues were analyzed by Mann-Whitney test. Clinical characteristics among Lauren classification groups and the relationship with miRNAs were analyzed by one-way ANOVA or χ2 test. Survival curves and univariate analysis were used the log-rank test. Five-year survival rates were estimated by life-table. Multivariate analysis was performed using Cox’s proportional hazards regression model. All the statistical analyses were performed using SPSS software (version 20.0, IBM, USA). P value < 0.05 was defined statistically significant.

Table 2

The univariate analysis between disease free survival (DFS) and clinicopathological characteristics

VariablesNumbersDFS (months)5-year survival (%)χ2P value
Lauren classification41.731< 0.001
 Diffuse type30244.749
 Intestinal type436*67
 mixed type40636.93347
Age19.242< 0.001
< 45 years93*58
 45–60 years631*60
60 years42037.26747
Tumor site8.3550.015
Tumor subtype84.799< 0.001
 Non-infiltrating type196*83
 Borrmann type86370.251
 Infiltrating type8518.932
Pathological classifications2.2280.328
 Mucinous carcinoma10768.63351
 Signet ring carcinoma5343.73349
Tumor size194.55< 0.001
3 cm471*77
 3–6 cm50431.43343
> 6 cm16916.96728
Histopathology classification53.592< 0.001
 Well differentiated27*96
 Moderately differentiated270*70
 Poor differentiated84746.549
Tumor infiltrating depth258.912< 0.001
Number of metastatic lymph nodes404.815< 0.001
Metastatic lymph nodes ration458.228< 0.001
> 0.528112.26719
AJCC 8th TNM stage382.954< 0.001
Vascular nerve infiltrating144.147< 0.001

*The median survival time was not reached by follow-up, P< 0.05, statistical significance.

Table 3

The univariate analysis between overall survival (OS) and clinicopathological characteristics

VariablesNumbersOS (months)5-year survival (%)χ2P value
Lauren classification46.781< 0.001
 Diffuse type30262.63351
 Intestinal type436*69
 Mixed type40655.36748
Age19.161< 0.001
< 45 years93*63
 45–60 years631*61
60 years42057.649
Tumor site8.510.014
Tumor subtype82.088< 0.001
 Non-infiltrating type196*86
 Borrmann type863114.56752
 Infiltrating type8529.36735
Pathological classifications3.2360.198
 Mucinous carcinoma10770.13353
 Signet ring carcinoma5359.93349
Tumor size193.159< 0.001
3 cm471*79
 3–6 cm50445.46745
> 6 cm16925.93330
Histopathology classification56.797< 0.001
 Well differentiated27*96
 Moderately differentiated270*72
 Poor differentiated84764.96750
Tumor infiltrating depth264.464< 0.001
Vascular nerve infiltrating145.628< 0.001
Number of metastatic lymph nodes412.207< 0.001
Metastatic lymph nodes ration462.637< 0.001
> 0.528120.43319
AJCC 8th TNM stage386.133< 0.001

*The median survival time was not reached by follow-up, P< 0.05, statistical significance.


3.1Clinicopathological characteristics of study subjects

Total 1144 GC patients (846 males and 298 females, mean age, 61 years) were recruited in this cohort, including 302 diffuse type (26.4%), 436 intestinal type (38.1%) and 406 mixed type (35.5%) GC, the demographic information of GC patients were summarized in Table 1. We conducted the correlation analysis between Lauren classification and the differentiated. The results indicated that GC patients with diffuse type were younger (< 45 years) (P< 0.001), female predominant (P< 0.001), distal stomach predominant (P< 0.001), more infiltrating type and vascular nerve (P< 0.001), higher incidence in signet ring carcinoma and mucinous carcinoma (P< 0.001), TNM III stage predominant (P< 0.001). The intestinal type GC patients showed that were older ( 60 years) (P< 0.001), less distal stomach predominant (P< 0.001), well differentiated (P< 0.001), Borrmann type predominant (P< 0.001), relative smaller tumor size (diameter 3 cm) (P< 0.001), less vascular nerve infiltrating (P< 0.001), less lymphovascular invasion (P< 0.001), TNM I stage predominant (P< 0.001).

3.2Univariate and multivariate analysis for prognosis of gastric cancer

Table 4

The multivariate COX risk model analysis of overall survival (OS) and between disease free survival (DFS)

EndpointVariablesβ (regression coefficient)SEWald valueHR (risk ratio) 95% CIP value
Lauren classification0.270.07413.131.175 (1.041–1.328)< 0.001
Tumor size0.2830.06916.7771.336 (1.156-1.544)< 0.001
Tumor infiltrating depth0.3970.10414.6211.476 (1.187–1.836)< 0.001
Vascular nerve0.3590.09613.8331.433 (1.171–1.754)< 0.001
Metastatic lymph nodes ration0.4570.09224.6861.558 (1.293–1.879)< 0.001
Lauren classification0.3090.07516.7231.183 (1.047–1.337)< 0.001
Tumor size0.2950.0717.8361.338 (1.156–1.548)< 0.001
Tumor infiltrating depth0.4640.09813.5791.612 (1.284–2.023)< 0.001
Vascular nerve0.360.10410.9411.412 (1.151–1.732)< 0.001
Metastatic lymph nodes ration0.4720.09226.1851.568 (1.300–1.891)< 0.001

P< 0.05, statistical significance.

Among 1144 GC patients, the overall survival (OS) of 1-year, 3-year and 5-year were 90%, 75% and 66%, while the disease free survival (DFS) of 1-year, 3-year and 5-year were 78%, 66% and 59% (Fig. 1A). The univariate analysis showed that Lauren classification was strongly related to the OS and DFS (P< 0.05), the OS and DFS of diffuse type, intestinal type, mixed type GC patients were 51%, 69%, 48% and 49%,67%, 47%, respectively ( Fig. 1B). In addition, the univariate analysis also showed that the prognosis of GC patients were strongly related to the patients’ age, tumor site and size, tumor subtype, pathological classifications, tumor infiltrating depth, vascular nerve infiltrating, number of metastatic lymph nodes and metastatic lymph nodes ration, AJCC 8th edition TNM classification (P< 0.05) (Tables 23).

Multivariate analysis were introduced using Cox proportional hazards regression (forward LR stepwise procedure) to analyze independent prognostic predicting factors based on the statistically significant variants in univariate analysis. Multivariate analysis showed that Lauren classification, patients’ age, tumor size, tumor infiltrating depth, vascular nerve infiltrating and metastatic lymph nodes ration were significantly correlated with GC patients’ OS and DFS (P< 0.001) (Table 4). The Lauren classification was an independent prognostic predicting factor in GC and the diffuse type was an independent risk factors for poor prognosis of GC.

3.3Identification of candidate differentially expressed miRNAs in GC

We searched keywords, gastric cancer, stomach cancer, miRNA and Lauren classification in PubMed website. The latest publication time of reference was January, 2017. Finally, a total of 8 references were in line with our topic idea after intensive reading. There were 22 candidate miRNAs, miR-105-5p, miR-100-5p, miR-199a-5p, miR-99a-5p, miR-133a-5p, miR-373-5p, miR-498, miR-202-5p, miR-32-5p, miR-141-3p, miR-182-5p, miR-125b-5p, miR-143-3p, miR-145-5p, miR-494-3p, miR-21-5p, miR-299-5p, miR-365b, miR-499a-5p, miR-200a-3p, miR-200b-3p and miR-200c-3p [22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29].

Figure 2.

Expression levels of 14 candidate miRNAs in the diffuse type, intestinal type and mixed type GC tissues. Horizontal line: mean with 95% CI. Each P value was calculated by the Mann–Whitney test. P< 0.05 was defined statistically significant.

Expression levels of 14 candidate miRNAs in the diffuse type, intestinal type and mixed type GC tissues. Horizontal line: mean with 95% CI. Each P value was calculated by the Mann–Whitney test. P< 0.05 was defined statistically significant.

Figure 2.



Table 5

Clinicopathological characteristics used in miRNA expression detection

< 45 years13 (9.0%)
 45–60 years80 (55.1%)
60 years52 (35.9%)
 Male101 (69.7%)
 Female44 (30.3%)
Tumor site
 Proximal62 (42.8%)
 Middle44 (30.3%)
 Distal39 (26.9%)
Tumor subtype
 Non-infiltrating type29 (20.0%)
 Borrmann type101 (69.7%)
 Infiltrating type15 (10.3%)
Pathological classifications
 Adenocarcinoma118 (81.4%)
 Mucinous carcinoma10 (6.9%)
 Signet ring carcinoma17 (11.7%)
Tumor size
3 cm62 (42.8%)
 3–6 cm57 (39.3%)
> 6 cm26 (17.9%)
Histopathology classification
 Well differentiated3 (2.1%)
 Moderately differentiated30 (20.7%)
 Poor differentiated112 (77.2%)
Tumor infiltrating depth
 T140 (27.6%)
 T215 (10.3%)
 T330 (20.7%)
 T460 (41.4%)
Number of metastatic lymph nodes
 N065 (44.8%)
 N118 (12.4%)
 N231 (21.4%)
 N331 (21.4%)
Metastatic lymph nodes ration
 065 (44.8%)
0.2530 (20.7%)
0.520 (13.8%)
> 0.530 (20.7%)
AJCC 8th TNM stage
 I47 (32.4%)
 II28 (19.3%)
 III70 (48.3%)
Vascular nerve infiltrating
 Negative94 (64.8%)
 Positive51 (35.2%)
Lauren classification
 Diffuse type47 (32.4%)
 Intestinal type50 (33.1%)
 Mixed type48 (34.5%)

The expression levels of 22 miRNAs were verified in 145 GC tissues, 47 diffuse type (32.4%), 50 intestinal type (33.1%), 48 mixed type (34.5%), the clinical features of patients were listed in Table 5. The expressed of miR-202-5p, miR-299-5p, miR-32-5p, miR-365b, miR-373-5p, miR-494-3p, miR-498 and miR-499a-5p were weakly expressed in GC tissues. As shown in Fig. 2, there were no significant difference in miR-100-5p, miR-199a-5p, miR-99a-5p, miR-182-5p, miR-125b-5p, miR-143-3p, miR-145-5p, miR-21-5p, miR-200a-3p, and miR-200c-3p among diffuse type, intestinal type and mixed type GC tissues. Compared to intestinal type GC tissues, the miR-141-3p, miR-200b-3p and miR-133a-5p were significantly down-regulated in diffuse type. Meanwhile, the miR-105-5p had significant lower expression in diffuse type compared with intestinal type and mixed type GC tissues.

3.4Diagnostic and prognostic value of miRNAs in different Lauren classification GC

Table 6

Log-rank test analysis of overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) of candidate miRNA

miRNAExpression statusOverall survival (OS)Disease-free survival (DFS)
Mean ±SD (months)P-valueMean ±SD (months)P-value
miR-99a-5pLow48.8 ± 14.10.20146.2 ± 17.90.47
High51.5 ± 15.249.7 ± 17.8
miR-100-5pLow50.3 ± 13.70.95648.4 ± 16.60.602
High49.9 ± 15.847.4 ± 19.3
miR-105-5pLow50.3 ± 13.50.39648.6 ± 16.00.287
High50.3 ± 15.847.6 ± 19.4
miR-125b-5pLow50.6 ± 12.70.7148.7 ± 15.70.346
High49.6 ± 16.747.1 ± 19.9
miR-133a-5pLow48.9 ± 14.30.20546.2 ± 18.30.457
High51.3 ± 15.249.7 ± 17.4
miR-141-3pLow47.7 ± 16.0 0.007 44.8 ± 19.8 0.036
High52.8 ± 12.851.3 ± 15.0
miR-143-3pLow50.1 ± 13.60.65347.5 ± 17.80.953
High50.1 ± 15.948.3 ± 18.3
miR-145-5pLow50.1 ± 13.90.65448.0 ± 17.10.896
High50.1 ± 15.647.8 ± 18.7
miR-182-5pLow50.5 ± 15.10.39648.1 ± 18.70.903
High49.3 ± 14.747.3 ± 17.4
miR-199a-5pLow48.2 ± 15.30.08345.7 ± 18.80.251
High52.0 ± 13.950.2 ± 16.8
miR-200a-3pLow48.9 ± 14.60.20346.2 ± 18.40.457
High51.4 ± 14.949.6 ± 17.3
miR-200b-3pLow48.8 ± 14.60.57746.4 ± 17.60.48
High51.5 ± 14.949.4 ± 18.1
miR-200c-3pLow51.7 ± 11.60.23650.0 ± 14.90.086
High48.5 ± 17.345.8 ± 20.4
miR-21-5pLow52.1 ± 13.10.14650.6 ± 15.70.089
High48.1 ± 16.045.1 ± 19.6

P< 0.05, statistical significance.

During the followed up, the median DFS and OS of 145 GC patients was 47.9 ± 17.9 and 50.1 ± 14.8 months, 114 (78.6%) were still alive. To further explore the prognostic value of miRNAs, log-rank test was introduced to analyze the OS and DFS between high miRNA expression and low expression of 14 miRNAs (miR-100-5p, miR-199a-5p, miR-99a-5p, miR-182-5p, miR-125b-5p, miR-143-3p, miR-145-5p, miR-21-5p, miR-200a-3p, miR-200c-3p, miR-141-3p, miR-200b-3p, miR-133a-5p and miR-105-5p) (Table 6). The results showed that only low expression of miR-141-3p lead to worse OS and DFS in contrast to high miR-141-3p (P< 0.05). There was no significant difference of OS and DFS between low miRNA expression and high miRNA expression of remaining miRNAs.

Table 7

The COX risk model analysis of overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) of miR-141-3p

VariablesOverall survival (OS)Disease free survival (DFS)
Univariate analysisMultivariate analysisUnivariate analysisMultivariate analysis
P valueHR95%CIP valueP valueHR95%CIP value
Tumor site0.8580.768
Tumor subtype0.0630.057
Pathological classifications0.0540.106
Tumor size0.0021.4210.665–3.0360.3640.0021.5890.770–3.2760.21
Histopathology classification0.05030.062
Tumor infiltrating depth< 0.0011.950.709–5.3640.196< 0.0011.9740.770–5.0610.157
Number of metastatic lymph nodes< 0.0011.4880.867–2.5550.149< 0.0011.5080.877–2.5920.138
Metastatic lymph nodes ration< 0.0010.2170.065–0.7290.013< 0.0010.2440.084–0.7050.009
AJCC 8th TNM stage< 0.0010.7570.131–4.3840.756< 0.0010.9410.194–4.5710.94
Vascular nerve infiltrating0.0070.9710.448–2.1060.9420.0090.8990.430–1.8780.776
adjuvant chemotherapy0.3460.196
Lauren classification0.0120.5620.347–0.9110.0190.0040.5020.314–0.8040.004

P< 0.05, statistical significance.

The univariate analysis indicated that the prognostic value of GC patients was related to tumor size, tumor infiltrating depth, vascular nerve infiltrating, number of metastatic lymph nodes and metastatic lymph nodes ration, TNM stage, Lauren classification and miR-141-3p. Multivariate analysis of OS and DFS revealed that metastatic lymph nodes ration, Lauren classification and miR-141-3p were independent prognostic factors (Table 7).

Figure 3.

Overall survival (OS) and disease free survival (DFS) curves of low miR-141-3p and high miR-141-3p group plotted by the Kaplan-Meier method in (A–B) diffuse type, (C–D) intestinal type, (E–F) mixed type GC. Each P value was calculated by the log-rank test. P< 0.05 was defined statistically significant.

Overall survival (OS) and disease free survival (DFS) curves of low miR-141-3p and high miR-141-3p group plotted by the Kaplan-Meier method in (A–B) diffuse type, (C–D) intestinal type, (E–F) mixed type GC. Each P value was calculated by the log-rank test. P< 0.05 was defined statistically significant.

To explore the prognostic value of miR-141-3p in Lauren classification GC, we conducted univariate analysis of miR-141-3p among diffuse type, intestinal type and mixed type GC. As a consequence of univariate analysis, low miR-141-3p in diffuse type GC showed significant worse OS and DFS than high miR-141-3p (P< 0.05). There was no significant difference of miR-141-3p in intestinal type and mixed type GC (Fig. 3).


Currently, there are several classifications of GC, including histologically and molecular [30]. It is hard to say which classification is the best one due to the morphological characteristics of GC. Choosing one classification system is insufficient to provide precise prognosis for individual treatment. Lauren classification is the most-used one, however, there is still controversial whether Lauren classification plays better roles on prognosis performance of GC. In this study, we performed a retrospective study of 1144 patients who received radical gastrectomy. The results indicated that intestinal type GC (38.1%) had higher incidence than diffuse type GC (26.4%) which was line with previous study [31]. The difference with the study was that mixed type GC had higher incidence due to regional diversity. In diffuse type, the incidence was higher in younger ones than elder ones and females were predominant which may be related with oestrogen receptor [32]. The signet ring carcinoma, mucinous carcinoma, poor differentiated, deeper infiltration and higher metastatic lymph nodes ration were found in diffuse type GC than intestinal type GC, resulting in poor prognosis in diffuse type GC. The OS, DFS and 5-year survival of intestinal type GC had obvious survival advantages than diffuse type GC. According to multivariate analysis, Lauren classification was an independent prognostic factor and diffuse type GC was an independent risk factor for poor prognosis. In addition, our study showed that diffuse type GC was predominant in younger population in our country, the late TNM stage, large tumor size, lymphatic metastasis. It may be strongly correlated with heredity and may help to further understand the tumorigenesis of diffuse type GC.

Previous researches have confirmed that miRNAs have clinical implications in pathogenesis, diagnosis and prognosis of human cancers [11, 12, 33]. To have better understanding on targeted therapies in GC, we analyzed the expression levels of miRNAs in Lauren classification GC to seek for a prognostic biomarker. In our study, the expression levels of miR-141-3p were significantly down-regulated in diffuse type compared to intestinal type GC tissues using qRT-PCR. Multivariate analysis of OS and DFS revealed that metastatic lymph nodes ration, Lauren classification and miR-141-3p were independent prognostic factors. The low expression of miR-141-3p lead to worse OS and DFS in contrast to high miR-141-3p in diffuse type GC. MiR-141 was demonstrated as tumor suppressor through regulating target gene TAZ in GC. Inhibition of miR-141 resulted in promoting GC cells proliferation, invasion and migration in vitro [34]. MiR-141-3p, a member of miR-200 family, and its target gene ZEB1 and ZEB2 (E-cadherin transcriptional repressors) were associated with epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT). Enhanced expression of miR-141-3p suppressed EMT, while inhibition of miR-141-3p induced EMT. Downregulation of miR-141-3p played important roles on tumor progression [35]. The results were consistent with the low expression of miR-141-3p lead to worse OS and DFS in diffuse type GC. Using DIANA-miRPath v3.0 online software to assess miR-141-3p regulatory roles and the identification of controlled pathways [36]. As shown in Table S1, KEGG molecular pathways showed that miR-141-3p was associated with P53 signaling pathway. It was confirmed that overexpression P53 indicated the poor prognosis in GC, especially in diffuse type [37]. GO pathway analysis showed that miR-141-3p was associated with epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway, which was confirmed to be an independent prognostic factor influenced prognosis of GC [38].

There were some limitations in our study, the number of candidate miRNAs in predicting prognosis of GC and subtype of GC were relatively small. Also, neoadjuvant chemotherapy, Helicobacter Pylori infection and HER-2 gene amplification were not included in the prognostic factors.


Taken together, the present study suggested that Lauren classification was an independent prognostic factor in GC and the diffuse type was an independent risk factors for poor prognosis of GC. Lauren classification may help clinical doctors provide a reasonable plan for individual treatment combining with other clinicopathological characteristic. MiR-141-3p was an independent prognostic factor and may become a promising prognostic biomarker in Lauren classification GC. However, the mechanism of miR-141-3p in prognosis of Lauren classification still need further investigation.

Ethics statement

The medical ethical committee of First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University. Written informed consent was obtained from all GC patients included in the study.

Author contributions

Conception: WC, ZH, MZ and SQ.

Interpretation or analysis of data: WC, QG, ZH, and ZH. WC, QG, YD and ZH performed the experiments.

Preparation of the manuscript: WC, QG and ZH.

Revision for important intellectual content: YZ, MZ and SQ.

Supervision: MZ and SQ.


The staff authors are sincerely grateful to all volunteers who participated in this follow-up study. The work was supported by the Jiangsu Provincial Medical Key Discipline (Grant number: ZDXK202235).

Conflict of interest

The authors have declared that no potential conflict of interest exists.



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