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Retraction to: Schizandrin A inhibits proliferation, migration and invasion of thyroid cancer cell line TPC-1 by down regulation of microRNA-429

IOS Press has retracted the following publication from its online content:

[Cancer Biomarkers, 24(4) (2019), 497–508, DOI: 10.3233/CBM-182222]

Schizandrin A inhibits proliferation, migration and invasion of thyroid cancer cell line TPC-1 by down regulation of microRNA-429

Qiuli Ding, Xiaoyan Li, Yongcun Sun and Xinru Zhang

Department of Ultrasound, Jining No.1 People’s Hospital, Jining, Shandong 272000, China

This paper belongs to a set of papers allegedly linked to a paper mill, as described in [1]. The editorial office contacted the authors to clarify the allegations, but to date there was no response; therefore the article has been retracted.



Bik E. The Tadpole Paper Mill. Science Integrity Digest [internet]; 2020. Available from: