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Keyword Index Volume 27 (2016)

β-TCP 413

3D reconstruction 49

ACL injury 111

adsorption 63, 161, 227

alginate 561

amniotic membrane 603

angiogenesis 237

anodic oxidationm 485

anti-hyperlipidemia 577

anticoagulant 161

apheresis 161

apolipoprotein E knockout (ApoE−/−) mice 577

around shoulder prosthetic 29

atheromatous plaque 183

atherosclerosis 577

AVM 613

axial and radial velocity profiles 131

bead mill 405

bi-ventricular heart model 507

bioactive glass 425

bioactivity 251, 485

biocompatibility 251, 485, 647

biodegradable 87

biodegradable implant 287

biodegradable scaffolds 561

bioink 669

biological composite material 251

biomaterial 87

biomechanics 507

biopaper 669

bioprinting 669

bispectrum 275

blood compatibility 161

bone drilling 39, 101

bone mineral density 305

bone regeneration 413

bone repair 259

calcification 183

calcium phosphate 87, 259

calcium-phosphate coatings 551

carbonate apatite 305

carotid artery with a stenosis 131

cement 461

cervical spine 633

cesium 227


chitosan 353, 561

chitosan mesh tube 75

coagulation 353

coating 251

collagen 63, 149, 259

colorimetric method 657

complement system 353

composite 87, 259

compound Doppler signal simulation 131

compression strength 425

computational mechanics 507

continuous wavelet transform 527

corrosion 287, 341

corrosion resistance 539

cross-link density 437

cryogel 327

curcumin 577

cyanoacrylate adhesive 425

cyclic loading 389

Deadman theory 171

decellularized nerve 75

decontamination 341

dental porcelain 365

dermal fibroblasts 237

diagnostic imaging 315

DNA 211

drilling force 101

drug delivery 375

dual camera system 49

duty cycle 211

Electrical Impedance Tomography 315

electrical polarization 305

electrical property 305

electrodeposition 287

electrophoretic deposition 251

estradiol 475

experimental analysis 39

extremely low frequency 211

FEA 633

fibers 259

fibrin 669

finite element analysis (FEA) 1

finite element model analysis 171

fixation 197

Flory–Rehner equation 437

flow 405

fluoridated hydroxyapatite 287

foams 647

fracture fixation 389

fracture risk indicator 1

fracture strength 461

fragility 405

FT-IR 63

gelatin 149, 327, 669

glutaraldehyde 589

heart rate variability 275

hemocompatibility 353

hemodynamics 613

hemolysis 405

hemostasis 149

hemostypticum 353

Hildebrand’s solubility parameter theory 437

hip fracture 1

human bone 305

hyaluronic acid 589

hydrogel 589

hydroxyapatite 227

imaging 315

implant 551

in vivo 375

in vivo fluorescence microscopy 237

inflammation 577

interface 461

interfragmentary movement 389

intravascular ultrasound 183

iontophoresis 475

irrigation 101

joint auscultation 111

joint sound 111

k nearest-neighbour 275

Lachman test 111

laminar-turbulent-relaminarization regimes 119

lipocalin-2 (LCN2) 577

locally modified homogenous model 15

magnesium 287

magnesiunm alloys 251

magnetohydrodynamic 15

mandibular defects 495

mechanical characteristics 603

mechanical heterogeneousness 603

mechanical properties 485

Medpor 237

mesenchymal stem cells 561

mineralized collagen composite 495

miniscrew 375

modeling 613

mouthwashes 539

myocardial stress and strain 507

nanofluids 15

nanoparticle 475

necrosis 39

new approach 119



nonlinear visceoelastic model 603

numerical analysis 119

orthodontic brackets 365

orthodontic wires 539

orthodontics 375

orthopaedic 39, 101

orthopaedic biomechanics 49

orthopedics 461

osteogenesis 551

osteoporosis 475

P17-BMP-2 495

part by part simulation 119

peripheral nerve regeneration 75

phasic CF-LVAD support 451

physiological pulsation 131

physisorption 657

plasma electrolytic oxidation 551

plasma nitriding 461

platelets 353

plugs 589

polyacrylic acid 657

polyaspartic acid 589

polystyrene sodium sulfonate 657

polyurethane 149

polyvinyl alcohol 327

porous arteries 15

porous polyethylene 237

positive electric pulse 211

Pseudomonas aeruginosa 211

pullout strength 171

pullout test 171

pulsatility 451

Quantitative Computed Tomography (QCT) 1

radioactive substance 227

range of motion 633

RBC 405

remote photoplethysmography 527

retrieval 183


rod deformation 49

S53P4 425

scaffold 87, 327, 413

scoliosis 49

SDNN 275

SEM 63

shear 405

shoulder movement 29

sideways fall 1

silica 647

silicones 437

silk fibroin 413

single-stance 1

skin 669

spectroscopy 647

stability 389

stainless steel 341

static loading 389

stenosis 119

STFT spectrogram 29

straight and helical plates 197

stress relaxation 603

strontium 227

sudden cardiac arrest 275

support vector machine 275

surface morphology 413

surface myoelectric signal 29

surgical instrument 341

suture anchor 171

swelling of polymers in liquids 437

TEM 211

therapeutic efficacy 475

thermocouple 39

third-grade non-Newtonian fluid 15

TiO2 nanotube arrays 375

tissue engineering 237, 327, 561

tissue fusion 669

tissue glue 425

titanium 461, 485

titanium alloy Ti–6Al–4V 551

toothbrushing 365

total disc replacement 633

transdermal administration 475

transient signals 613

transverse and oblique bone fractures 197

ultrasonic drilling 101

varying speed 451

vasomotor activity 527

ventilation 315

ventricular mechanics 507

vertical femoral neck fracture 389

viscoelastic properties 149

water sorption 425

webcam 527

XPS 63

zeolite 227

zirconia 647