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A block-wise approximate parallel implementation for ART algorithm on CUDA-enabled GPU

Computed tomography (CT) has been widely used to acquire volumetric anatomical information in the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses in many clinics. However, the ART algorithm for reconstruction from under-sampled and noisy projection is still time-consuming. It is the goal of our work to improve a block-wise approximate parallel implementation for the ART algorithm on CUDA-enabled GPU to make the ART algorithm applicable to the clinical environment. The resulting method has several compelling features: (1) the rays are allotted into blocks, making the rays in the same block parallel; (2) GPU implementation caters to the actual industrial and medical application demand. We test the algorithm on a digital shepp-logan phantom, and the results indicate that our method is more efficient than the existing CPU implementation. The high computation efficiency achieved in our algorithm makes it possible for clinicians to obtain real-time 3D images.