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4D model of hemodynamics in the abdominal aorta

The paper presents an application of the FSI technique to determine hemodynamics in the abdominal aorta (AA). To establish boundary conditions for the FSI study, MR anatomical data and 4D MRI velocity-mapping data (in three blood flow velocity directions and time) were collected to acquire realistic geometry of the AA and blood velocity. The mechanical parameters of the patient-specific aortic wall were applied in FSI simulations to describe wall mechanics and blood flow in the AA. Comparison of calculated and measured blood flow patterns and flow rate waveforms shows good agreement, which proves that wall pulsations should be incorporated into simulations that determine hemodynamics in the AA. The results of this work suggest that FSI analysis based on patient-specific data, such as the mechanical parameters of the aortic wall, real geometry of the aorta, and 4D flow information, might be used to predict the development of cardiovascular diseases.