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New designed nerve conduits with a porous ionic cross-linked alginate/chitisan structure for nerve regeneration

A new fabrication process for designing nerve conduits with a porous ionic cross-linked alginate/chitosan composite for nervous regeneration could be prepared. New designed nerve conduits with a porous ionic cross-linked alginate/chitosan composite were developed for nervous regeneration. Nerve conduits (NCs) represent a promising alternative to conventional treatments for peripheral nerve repair. NCs composed of various polysaccharides such as sodium alginate were designed and prepared by lyophilization as potential matrices for tissue engineering. The use of a porous ionic cross-linked alginate/chitosan composite could provide penetration channels that would lead to the products’ increasing penetration rate properties. Furthermore, the use of a porous ionic cross-linked alginate/chitosan composite also has a highly cross-linked structure, which would give the products relatively good mechanical properties. Furthermore, the drug could be incorporated into nerve conduits as a new drug-carrying system for nerve regeneration because of its porous and cross-linked structures.