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Comprehensive verticality analysis and web-based rehabilitation system for people with multiple sclerosis with supervised medical monitoring


People with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) need regular physical activities along with medical treatment despite their ability or disability level. However, poorly performed exercises could aggravate muscle imbalances and worsen their health. The goal of our work is to create a comprehensive system, encompassing a face-to-face sessions performed by MS patients one day a week at the medical center with exercises at home the rest of the week through a web platform in combination with a tracking tool to analyze the position of patients during exercise and correct them in real-time. The whole system is currently testing during six months with ten participants, five persons with MS and 5 professionals related with MS. Two tests, the Functional Independence Measure and the Berg Balance Scale will be act as a barometer for measuring the degree of independence obtained by the people with MS and also the validity of the whole system as a rehabilitation tool. Preliminary results about the usability of the system using SUS scale, 72 and 76 points over 100 (patients and professionals respectively), demonstrate that our system is usable for both patients and professionals.