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Characterization of a co-electrospun scaffold of HLC/CS/PLA for vascular tissue engineering


Novel scaffolds for vascular tissue engineering were fabricated by co-electrospinning human-like collagen/chitosan and polylactic acid at room temperature and normal pressure. By studying the effects of composition and collecting distance on the morphology of electrospun meshes, we determined that the proper collecting distance and the concentration of the solution are the keys to the success of the co-electrospinning process. The scaffolds were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and distribution of the fibrous diametrs was analyzed. Also, Hemocompatibility of the scaffolds were evaluated. The results indicated that scaffolds fabricated by co-electrospinning: (1) had a more biomimetic structure than polylactic acid, as the fiber diameters approached the size of the extracellular matrix; (2) showed better hemocompatibility. This study demonstrates the feasibility of using two different solutions to construct a scaffold for blood vessel tissue engineering by co-electrospinning.