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Issue title: Spatial and Temporal Reasoning
Article type: Research Article
Authors: Badaloni, Silvana; | Falda, Marco | Giacomin, Massimiliano
Affiliations: Department of Information Engineering, via Gradenigo 6A, 35100 Padova, Italy E‐mail: {silvana.badaloni, marco.falda} | DEA, University of Brescia, via Branze 38, 25123 Brescia, Italy E‐mail:
Note: [] Corresponding author: Silvana Badaloni, Dept. of Information Engineering, via Gradenigo 6A, 35100 Padova, Italy.
Abstract: In this work we address the problem of representing and reasoning with temporal knowledge in a very general and flexible manner. To this aim we propose a model of integration of quantitative and qualitative temporal information affected by vagueness and uncertainty. We extend our fuzzy qualitative temporal framework IAfuz integrating the treatment of fuzzy quantitative constraints modeled as trapezoidal distributions. To do this, we extend the treatment of fuzzy temporal constraints considered in the literature and we generalize in a fuzzy direction the classical hybrid approach of temporal constraints integration proposed by Meiri. To show the full expressiveness of the new system, we apply it to represent the fuzzy temporal knowledge in a typical scheduling example.
Keywords: Temporal reasoning, fuzzy constraints
Journal: AI Communications, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 187-200, 2004
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